


  • Does prolonged post-mortem cold ischemic harvesting time influence cryopreserved pulmonary homograft tissue integrity?

    abstract::This study investigated cryopreserved pulmonary homograft (CPA) structural integrity after prolonged cold ischemic harvesting times in a juvenile sheep model. Three groups with different post-mortem cold ischemic harvesting times were studied, i.e. Group 1 (24 h, n = 10); group 2 (48 h, n = 10); group 3 (72 h, n = 10)...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Smit FE,Bester D,van den Heever JJ,Schlegel F,Botes L,Dohmen PM

    更新日期:2015-12-01 00:00:00

  • Long-term outcomes of the use of allogeneic, radiation-sterilised bone blocks in reconstruction of the atrophied alveolar ridge in the maxilla and mandible.

    abstract::Increasingly dental surgeons face the challenge of reconstruction of the height and/or thickness of the alveolar ridge as more and more patients wish to have permanent restoration of their dental defects based on intraosseous implants. Evaluation of human allogeneic bone tissue grafts in reconstruction of atrophied al...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 临床试验,杂志文章


    authors: Krasny M,Krasny K,Fiedor P,Zadurska M,Kamiński A

    更新日期:2015-12-01 00:00:00

  • To be or not to be an organ donor: differences in attitudes between freshmen and senior medical students.

    abstract::Despite a plethora of studies on overall attitudes related to organ donation in a health care setting, little is known as to whether or not medical students at various levels of undergraduate training have distinctive attitudes towards donation. The purpose of this study was to analyze attitudes of first- and sixth-ye...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Gazibara T,Kovacevic N,Nurkovic S,Kurtagic I,Maric G,Kisic-Tepavcevic D,Pekmezovic T

    更新日期:2015-09-01 00:00:00

  • Comparative study of indigenously prepared and imported, demineralized, freeze-dried, irradiated bone allograft in the treatment of periodontal infrabony defects.

    abstract::Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) has been used extensively in periodontal therapy. Questions have been raised however, about the osteogenic potential of the variety of grafts available. In India the cost factor is another important consideration. The aim of this study therefore was to evaluate the cli...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章,随机对照试验


    authors: Shah M,Lobo Gajiwala A,Shah S,Dave D

    更新日期:2015-09-01 00:00:00

  • Negative effect of combined cysteine and glutathione in soy lecithin-based extender on post-thawed ram spermatozoa.

    abstract::This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of combined cysteine and glutathione in soy lecithin-based semen extender on post-thawed ram sperm quality. A total of 28 ejaculates were collected twice a week (from four rams) during breeding season. In each replicate, semen samples (n = 4, one ejaculate for each ram) ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Zhandi M,Sharafi M

    更新日期:2015-09-01 00:00:00

  • Potential of 5-azacytidine induction decidual stromal cells from maternal human term placenta towards cardiomyocyte-like cells in serum-free medium.

    abstract::Decidual stromal cells (DSCs) from maternal term placenta represent a potential source of cells for the treatment of cardiovascular and graft-versus-host diseases. However, it is not clear whether DSCs could be induced towards cardiomyocyte-like differentiation. We chose the placentas which should bred male new-baby. ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Chen G,Yue A,Ruan Z,Yin Y,Wang R,Ren Y,Zhu L

    更新日期:2015-09-01 00:00:00

  • Tissue and organ donation and transplantation in Iran.

    abstract::Tissue and organ transplantation is one of the most promising treatments for some incurable diseases. Nowadays, transplantation is the common therapy in many countries. Unfortunately, availability of donated tissues and organs is limited. There are several factors which may affect donation rate for instance; social fa...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Goodarzi P,Aghayan HR,Larijani B,Rafiee AB,Falahzadeh K,Sahebjam M,Ghaderi F,Arjmand B

    更新日期:2015-06-01 00:00:00

  • Isolation of human dermis derived mesenchymal stem cells using explants culture method: expansion and phenotypical characterization.

    abstract::Recent studies have reported that stem cells can be isolated from a wide range of tissues including bone marrow, fatty tissue, adipose tissue and placenta. Moreover, several studies also suggest that skin dermis could serve as a source of stem cells, but are of unclear phenotype. Therefore, we isolated and investigate...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Park JR,Kim E,Yang J,Lee H,Hong SH,Woo HM,Park SM,Na S,Yang SR

    更新日期:2015-06-01 00:00:00

  • Comparing quantitative and qualitative indices of the donated corneas maintained in Optisol-GS with those kept in Eusol-C.

    abstract::This study was conducted to compare the quantitative and qualitative indices of the donated corneas maintained in either Optisol-GS or Eusol-C storage media. In an ante-grade single blind study, two corneas from each donor with a death to preservation time of less than 30 h and with a minimum of "an apparent good corn...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kanavi MR,Javadi MA,Chamani T,Fahim P,Javadi F

    更新日期:2015-06-01 00:00:00

  • Defined serum- and xeno-free cryopreservation of mesenchymal stem cells.

    abstract::Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have vast potential in cell therapy, and are experimentally used in the clinic. Therefore, it is critical to find a serum- and xeno-free cryopreservation method. The aim of this study was to compare two serum- and xeno-free cryoprotectants for MSCs. Adipose tissue MSCs (Ad-MSCs) and bone ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Al-Saqi SH,Saliem M,Quezada HC,Ekblad Å,Jonasson AF,Hovatta O,Götherström C

    更新日期:2015-06-01 00:00:00

  • Mesenchymal stem cells for chronic wounds therapy.

    abstract::Wound healing is a complex process that involves interaction of soluble mediators, extracellular matrix and infiltrating blood cells. Chronic and non-healing skin defects contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality of many patients. Recently, despite the current medical progress, the chronic and non-healing wo...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Zahorec P,Koller J,Danisovic L,Bohac M

    更新日期:2015-03-01 00:00:00

  • Effects of continuous passage on immunomodulatory properties of human adipose-derived stem cells.

    abstract::Human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) have the ability to influence immune response, and hence are key cell sources for tissue repair and regeneration. In this study we explored the effect of continuous passage on the immunomodulatory properties of hADSCs to provide some advises for large-scale production of hADSC...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Wang X,Liu C,Li S,Xu Y,Chen P,Liu Y,Ding Q,Wahapu W,Hong B,Yang M

    更新日期:2015-03-01 00:00:00

  • Preservation and sterilization methods of the meniscal allografts: literature review.

    abstract::Nowadays, there are four types of meniscal allografts known: fresh, cryopreserved, deep-frozen and lyophilized ones but only two of them are widely used in clinical practice. Use of different types of meniscal allografts still remains controversial due to preparation method, their biomechanical properties as well as c...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Mickiewicz P,Binkowski M,Bursig H,Wróbel Z

    更新日期:2014-09-01 00:00:00

  • Porcine bone grafts defatted by lipase: efficacy of defatting and assessment of cytocompatibility.

    abstract::Defatting is an important procedure for the preparation of bone grafts because lipids in bone grafts strongly influence the osteointegration. Lipases have been widely used in different fields. However, study on the application to defatting process for bone grafts preparation has never been found so far. In this study,...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Zhang N,Zhou M,Zhang Y,Wang X,Ma S,Dong L,Yang T,Ma L,Li B

    更新日期:2014-09-01 00:00:00

  • Dependence of optical attenuation coefficient and mechanical tension of irradiated human cartilage measured by optical coherence tomography.

    abstract::As banked human tissues are not widely available, the development of new non-destructive and contactless techniques to evaluate the quality of allografts before distribution for transplantation is very important. Also, tissues will be processed accordingly to standard procedures and to minimize disease transmission mo...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Martinho AC Jr,Freitas AZ,Raele MP,Santin SP,Soares FA,Herson MR,Mathor MB

    更新日期:2014-09-01 00:00:00

  • Amnion-derived mesenchymal stromal cells show a mesenchymal-epithelial phenotype in culture.

    abstract::The amnionic membrane is a rich source of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (hAMSC), which are readily available and show a potential use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Before these cells can be applied clinically, careful characterization is necessary, especially as primary cells are known to ch...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: König J,Lang I,Siwetz M,Fröhlich J,Huppertz B

    更新日期:2014-06-01 00:00:00

  • Intact human amniotic membrane differentiated towards the chondrogenic lineage.

    abstract::Human amniotic membrane (hAM) represents a tissue that is well established as biomaterial in the clinics with potential for new applications in regenerative medicine. For tissue engineering (TE) strategies, cells are usually combined with inductive factors and a carrier substrate. We have previously recognized that hA...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Lindenmair A,Nürnberger S,Stadler G,Meinl A,Hackl C,Eibl J,Gabriel C,Hennerbichler S,Redl H,Wolbank S

    更新日期:2014-06-01 00:00:00

  • Stem cells from fetal membranes and amniotic fluid: markers for cell isolation and therapy.

    abstract::Stem cell therapy is in constant need of new cell sources to conceive regenerative medicine approaches for diseases that are still without therapy. Scientists drew the attention toward amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid stem cells, since these sources possess many advantages: first of all as cells can be extracted f...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Pozzobon M,Piccoli M,De Coppi P

    更新日期:2014-06-01 00:00:00

  • Standardized method for the harvest of nonhuman primate tissue optimized for multiple modes of analyses.

    abstract::Appropriate animal models are critical to conduct translational studies of human disorders without variables that can confound clinical studies. Such analytic methods as patch-clamp electrophysiological and voltammetric recordings of neurons in brain slices require living brain tissue. In order to obtain viable tissue...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Davenport AT,Grant KA,Szeliga KT,Friedman DP,Daunais JB

    更新日期:2014-03-01 00:00:00

  • Rapid cooling of the amniotic membrane as a model system for the vitrification of posterior corneal lamellae.

    abstract::To vitrify human amniotic membrane specimens so that the maximum of epithelial cells survives in order to develop a procedure for the eventual vitrification of posterior corneal lamellae without using cryoprotective agents. To assess different methods of tissue sample preparation preceding vitrification. In group 1, t...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Krabcova I,Jirsova K,Bednar J

    更新日期:2014-03-01 00:00:00

  • The role of IL-6 in bone marrow (BM)-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) proliferation and chondrogenesis.

    abstract::Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common degenerative arthritic cartilage and represents a disease where the prospect of stem cell therapy offers considerable hope. Currently, bone marrow (BM) represents the major source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for cell therapy. In the pathology of RA, the pro-inflammator...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Wei H,Shen G,Deng X,Lou D,Sun B,Wu H,Long L,Ding T,Zhao J

    更新日期:2013-12-01 00:00:00

  • Effects of very rapid versus vapor phase freezing on human sperm parameters.

    abstract::The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of two freezing methods, vapor phase and very rapid freezing, with and without cryoprotectant on semen parameters in men with normal semen criteria. Cryopreservation was done on semen samples from 31 men by two methods of vapor phase freezing and very rapid freez...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Darvishnia H,Lakpour N,Lahijani MS,Heidari-Vala H,Akhondi MA,Zeraati H,Sadeghi MR

    更新日期:2013-12-01 00:00:00

  • Cleanrooms and tissue banking how happy I could be with either GMP or GTP?

    abstract::The regulatory framework of tissue banking introduces a number of requirements for monitoring cleanrooms for processing tissue or cell grafts. Although a number of requirements were clearly defined, some requirements are open for interpretation. This study aims to contribute to the interpretation of GMP or GTP guideli...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Klykens J,Pirnay JP,Verbeken G,Giet O,Baudoux E,Jashari R,Vanderkelen A,Ectors N

    更新日期:2013-12-01 00:00:00

  • Endoscopic procurement of tympano-ossicular allografts: alternative to the transcranial or retroauricular technique.

    abstract::A tympano-ossicular tissue bank complying with European Union regulations on human allografts is feasible and critical to assure that the patient receives tissue which is safe, individually checked and prepared in a suitable environment. The transcranial procurement technique has become the standard approach to procur...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Van Rompaey V,Caremans J,Hamans E,Muylle L,Van de Heyning P

    更新日期:2013-09-01 00:00:00

  • Sporicidal efficacy of genipin: a potential theoretical alternative for biomaterial and tissue graft sterilization.

    abstract::Terminal sterilization of musculoskeletal allografts by gamma radiation minimizes the risk of disease transmission but impairs allograft mechanical properties. Commonly employed crosslinking agents can sterilize tissues without affecting mechanical properties adversely; however, these agents are toxic. Genipin is repo...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Reich MS,Akkus O

    更新日期:2013-09-01 00:00:00

  • A standardized laboratory and surgical method for in vitro culture isolation and expansion of primary human Tenon's fibroblasts.

    abstract::Good manufacturing practices guidelines require safer and standardized cell substrates especially for those cell therapy products to treat ocular diseases where fibroblasts are used as feeder layers. However, if these are unavailable for stem cells culturing, murine fibroblasts are regularly used, raising critical iss...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: De Falco E,Scafetta G,Napoletano C,Puca R,Vingolo EM,Ragona G,Iorio O,Frati G

    更新日期:2013-06-01 00:00:00

  • A method of isolating viable chondrocytes with proliferative capacity from cryopreserved human articular cartilage.

    abstract::This study aimed to optimise methods of cryopreserving human articular cartilage (AC) tissue for the isolation of late chondrocytes. Human AC specimens from osteoarthritis patients who had undergone total knee replacement were used to optimise the chondrocyte isolation process and the choice of cryoprotective agent (C...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Xia Z,Duan X,Murray D,Triffitt JT,Price AJ

    更新日期:2013-06-01 00:00:00

  • Risk factors for rejection for morphological reasons of heart valves for transplantation.

    abstract::The study aim was to identify risk factors for morphological rejection of aortic and pulmonary valves for transplantation that could be used to optimize donor selection. The files of all Dutch heart valve donors, donating in a 2.5 years period, whose hearts were processed at Heart Valve Bank Rotterdam, were reviewed f...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: van Wijk MJ,van den Bogaerdt A,Bokhorst AG

    更新日期:2013-03-01 00:00:00

  • The implementation of tissue banking experiences for setting up a cGMP cell manufacturing facility.

    abstract::Cell manufacturing for clinical applications is a unique form of biologics manufacturing that relies on maintenance of stringent work practices designed to ensure product consistency and prevent contamination by microorganisms or by another patient's cells. More extensive, prolonged laboratory processes involve greate...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Arjmand B,Emami-Razavi SH,Larijani B,Norouzi-Javidan A,Aghayan HR

    更新日期:2012-12-01 00:00:00

  • Establishing a cGMP pancreatic islet processing facility: the first experience in Iran.

    abstract::It has been predicted that one of the greatest increase in prevalence of diabetes will happen in the Middle East bear in the next decades. The aim of standard therapeutic strategies for diabetes is better control of complications. In contrast, some new strategies like cell and gene therapy have aimed to cure the disea...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Larijani B,Arjmand B,Amoli MM,Ao Z,Jafarian A,Mahdavi-Mazdah M,Ghanaati H,Baradar-Jalili R,Sharghi S,Norouzi-Javidan A,Aghayan HR

    更新日期:2012-12-01 00:00:00

  • Banking of fresh-frozen prostate tissue using the alternate mirror image protocol: methods, validation, and impact on the pathological prognostic parameters in radical prostatectomy.

    abstract::We evaluated the value of the 'alternative slices mirror image method' used in prostate tissue banking in terms of predicting the sampling of cancerous tissue while preserving the pathological prognostic information. The concordance of diagnosis between banked sections and their mirror image paraffin- sections was stu...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Brimo F,Sircar K,Chevalier S,Saad F,Lacombe L,Têtu B,Scarlata E,Aprikian A

    更新日期:2012-12-01 00:00:00

  • Experience gained during the long term cultivation of keratinocytes for treatment of burns patients.

    abstract::Both allogenic and autologous cultured skin cells have been used clinically on burn patients. In vitro cultivation of human keratinocytes has been routinely provided by the Central Tissue Bank in Bratislava since 1996, with an average annual production of around 7,000 cm(2). Keratinocytes have been cultivated using a ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Dragúňová J,Kabát P,Koller J,Jarabinská V

    更新日期:2012-08-01 00:00:00

  • Validation of the BacT/ALERT®3D automated culture system for the detection of microbial contamination of epithelial cell culture medium.

    abstract::Living tissue engineering for regenerative therapy cannot withstand the usual pharmacopoeia methods of purification and terminal sterilization. Consequently, these products must be manufactured under aseptic conditions at microbiologically controlled environment facilities. This study was proposed to validate BacT/ALE...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Plantamura E,Huyghe G,Panterne B,Delesalle N,Thépot A,Reverdy ME,Damour O,Auxenfans C

    更新日期:2012-08-01 00:00:00

  • Sterilization with electron beam irradiation influences the biomechanical properties and the early remodeling of tendon allografts for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

    abstract::Although allografts for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) replacement have shown advantages compared to autografts, their use is limited due to the risk of disease transmission and the limitations of available sterilization methods. Gamma sterilization has shown detrimental effects on graft properties at the high doses...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Schmidt T,Hoburg A,Broziat C,Smith MD,Gohs U,Pruss A,Scheffler S

    更新日期:2012-08-01 00:00:00

  • Comparing the use of glycerol preserved and cryopreserved allogenic skin for the treatment of severe burns: differences in clinical outcomes and in vitro tissue viability.

    abstract::Cryopreserved (CryoPA) and Glycerol-preserved (GPA) skin allografts are commonly used in the treatment of severe burn injuries. However, comparable data on their differences in clinical outcome is scarce. This retrospective review aims to study the effect of allograft viability on clinical outcomes. The records of 48 ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kua EH,Goh CQ,Ting Y,Chua A,Song C

    更新日期:2012-06-01 00:00:00

  • Viability of cryopreserved human skin allografts: effects of transport media and cryoprotectant.

    abstract::Human skin allografts can be preserved by different methods. In our clinical practice, human skin allografts are harvested on multi-organ and tissue donors, transferred at +4°C in Ringer Lactate, cryopreserved with 15% Glycerol and held in the vapor phase of a liquid nitrogen freezer until delivery to the burn center....

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Gaucher S,Elie C,Vérola O,Jarraya M

    更新日期:2012-03-01 00:00:00

  • Assessment of bioburden on human and animal tissues: Part 1--results of method development and validation studies.

    abstract::Recovered human and animal tissues are used extensively in surgery for wound repair and reconstruction. In preparation for the validation of chemical disinfection and radiation sterilization processes, studies were performed on the development and validation of quantitative bioburden recovery methods for human bone an...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kowalski JB,Mosley GA,Merritt K,Osborne J

    更新日期:2012-03-01 00:00:00

  • Qualification of serological infectious disease assays for the screening of samples from deceased tissue donors.

    abstract::Whilst some of the assays used for serological screening of post-mortem blood samples from deceased tissue donors in some countries have been specifically validated by the manufacturer for this purpose, a significant number of those currently in use globally have not. Although specificity has previously been considere...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kitchen AD,Newham JA

    更新日期:2011-05-01 00:00:00

  • Tissue banking for research: connecting the disconnected.

    abstract::Delivering the promise of personalised medicine is the challenge that the current generation of scientists face. The variations in human physiology and disease are considerable, and designing appropriate strategies to deliver what has been promised will require access to tissue from a large number of volunteers. The N...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Thomas G

    更新日期:2011-02-01 00:00:00

  • ISBT 128: a global information standard.

    abstract::ISBT 128 is the global standard for the identification, labeling and information transfer of human blood, cell, tissue and organ products across international borders and disparate health care systems. The system has been designed and perfected over almost two decades to ensure accuracy, safety and efficiency for the ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue banking

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Distler P

    更新日期:2010-11-01 00:00:00

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